Water: the anti-aging benefits of water you won’t believe

Despite being told time and again to drink your 8 glasses a day, most people struggle to get through even a litre of water each day. And you’re probably thinking what’s the big deal? The latest science shows that drinking your 8 glasses of water could be the secret to keeping younger looking skin for longer and boosting overall mental health. Water is everywhere, it’s in rivers, glaciers, ice caps, water vapour, as moisture in the soil, in you, and even in your dog! If you’re looking for a reason to become a hydration junkie, you’ve come to the right place. Grab a bottle and keep reading below!

Why should YOU drink water?

The answer to this question could go on pages, but I’ve narrowed the list down to 5 key reasons why you should be gulping down your gallons!

1. Helps to Remove Toxins

Water is the elected medium your body has chosen to remove toxins and waste products from your body. Your cells work tirelessly performing metabolic reactions to keep you living and breathing - a consequence of which are waste products. Be it through sweat, tears or your daily trips to the bathroom, without water, your body will continue to hold onto these waste products resulting in all kinds of health issues, the most noticeable of which is dull, dehydrated skin! Think about how good you feel after washing your face? Drinking water is washing your face from the inside!

2. Hydrates your skin

As I’ve mentioned before, the body doesn’t consider the skin to be a priority organ when it comes to water and nutrient supply. The skin is just supplied with the minimum amount of water required to allow it to continue operating. Although it may be adequate for survival, it can cause dehydrated skin which will appear dull, itchy or flaky, have increased sensitivity, and most importantly, it will accelerate fine line and wrinkle formation.

Thankfully however, you can bypass this by providing your body with a surplus of water (i.e. drinking it throughout the day, even when you're not exactly thirsty). The body will recognise the surplus and distribute it to the ‘lower priority’ localities in your body like your skin, helping it remain hydrated and provide optimal conditions for collagen production! 

Enhance skin hydration even more by preventing transepidermal (a fancy way of saying through your skin) water loss through your skin to the outside world. Use gel or oil based moisturisers to protect your skin’s lipid barrier and lock in the moisture!

3. Boosts Your Mood

Usually it’s the high calorie, high sugar, preservative filled ice cream that makes us feel better. But what if I told you there was a zero calorie, zero sugar, totally healthy way of making you feel good and positive throughout the day and get better sleep? Habitually drinking water throughout the day has been scientifically proven to prevent feelings of confusion, tension and depression by reducing your bodies unconscious fight-or-flight response and preventing a state of constant low-level stress!

woman drinking water from a bottle at sunset

4. Helps You to Stay Energized

Ever find yourself reaching for more coffee to get you through the afternoon slump? Well, you’ll be glad to know there’s a healthier (and not to mention cheaper) alternative that will not only increase your energy but actually improve brain function. Studies ranging from children to adults have all suggested that even mild dehydration (losing 1-3% of water in body weight) can result in memory impairment and lower concentration levels – who knew brain food could be so cheap?

5. Can help you to lose weight

Your body is smart, but sometimes it can interpret things incorrectly – a common example being when you confuse thirst for hunger (I mean any excuse for having a chocolate bar right?). You think it’s just a myth, but several studies have indicated that drinking 500 ml of water before meals can help you satiate your hunger and prevent you over eating. One study showed that individuals who drank 500 ml of water half an hour before meals over a 6-week period lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t drink water. Drink your way to washboard abs – I mean they are made in the kitchen, right?

Being healthy couldn’t get any easier than drinking a couple of litres of water a day. Your physical and emotional health will love you for it! Tell us what your daily water drinking goals are in the comments below or on our socials @rawbeautylab. And if getting through the solo performance doesn’t tickle your fancy, then check out thisblog to discover how to make your water a little more exotic!

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