Plant based recipes for younger looking skin

11 Proven Plant-Based Recipes to
Firm Skin and Boost Wellness

The latest nutritional tips to age beautifully
- embrace your raw beauty with the power of plants!

Why 'eating' your skincare could be more important than 'wearing it'

Have you been spending a ridiculous amount of money on anti-ageing creams, lotions and serums and been totally frustrated with the lack of results? I sure have!

Skincare applied on top of your skin can ONLY penetrate the very top layer of your skin. It can’t reach the lower layers of your skin  which is where;

  • OVER 70% of your skin’s collagen is found and is what provides your skin with its structure, firmness and youthfulness
  • And is where wrinkles FIRST begin to appear before becoming visible in the top layer of your skin


The BEST way to support the lower layer of your skin is from within through your diet. If you don’t use diet as part of your skincare regime you could be missing out on up to 70% boost in your skin’s youthfulness

Get 11 FREE plant-based recipes proven to help feed your skin in beautiful ways

Skin loving foods to age beautifully

Ever wonder why in interviews, models always claim that their secret to flawless skin is diet and drinking plenty of water? Well...,because it works! Your skin is your largest organ. An organ! As a living, breathing part of you it makes sense that to support it, it should be from within through your diet. Recipes include;

  • Oat Pancakes which help support skin repair and cell turnover (think wrinkle minimising)
  • Tempeth ’fish’ and chips which help protect collagen from degradation to support skin youthfulness

Sweet potato noodles which are packed with vitamin A (converted into retinol within your body) to help protect skin from the causes of premature fine lines and wrinkles