Tone Up & Lose Weight

Want to Accelerate Your Results?

If you want to get a lean and toned physique, you need to be taking a protein supplement. Plant protein not only helps support metabolism and keep you feeling full for longer, but will also help you to tone-up faster. Get £5 off our Vegan Protein & Collagen Builder with code NYBODY for a limited time.




Make the perfect pledge

You’re probably thinking there’s no such thing, but taking the time to develop a pledge that is personal and real will motivate you all the more to achieve it! SO, how do you make the perfect pledge to yourself?

1. Make your promise as specific and as personal to yourself as possible

Everyone wants to reduce fat, tone up and stay lean. But there’s so much grey area to this goal that it will make it hard to ever get there  - simply because you won't know when you've got there.

Instead, give yourself a specific value you want to achieve - it could be a pre-baby weight or to build discernable muscle all over your body, or to be able deadlift or squat a specific weight. 

Remember the goal here is to be as realistic and as honest as possible. No one will see this other than yourself, but being realistic and specific about your goal will keep you motivated to achieve it!

It may not seem like it now, but when it’s 9pm on a cold Friday night and you’re craving a piping hot chocolate fudge brownie with a generous dollop of whipped cream (is your mouth watering too) , your why will motivate you to opt for a sensible bowl of dark chocolate covered almonds instead! 

2. Make it emotional

The more you can emotionally engage with your goal, the easier it will be to achieve. The emotional intensity that you're able to attach to your goal will help you to stay consistent when you feel like slipping or stopping.

In order to create an emotional state connected to your goals, ask yourself these 3 questions;

1. What would it mean to achieve this goal? 

2. How would I feel if I acheieved it?

3. How would it feel if I never achieved this goal?

The more negative emotions you can connect to 3) and the more positive emotions you can connect to 1) and 2), the more likely you are to stay consistent and stay on-track.

3. Give yourself a target or deadline to reach your goal

Let's be honest, if our teachers didn’t give us homework deadlines, we’d never get that maths homework done! Targets give you something to work towards.

So set yourself a realistic date to achieve your promise based on what your goal is. It could be an upcoming wedding or party, maybe your birthday, or maybe just a random friday at the end of Feb. Whenever you decide to reach your goal by - make it as realistic and specific as possible!

I should mention that this date is not set in stone. Remember that you're on a fitness journey so along the way you might realise you can reach your goals earlier or even later and that is absolutely fine - you’ll learn with your body along the way!

4. Share it with others

If you want some extra incentive, we recommend sharing your goals with your friends and family. The more public your goal, the harder it is to slip. 

I'd even recommend scribbling down your promise on a post-it and sticking it on your vanity mirror as using it as a mantra to start your day with! Reminding yourself of your goal will motivate you to keep going!

Alternatively, if you're looking for a support network, we recommend joining our Facebook Community, Raw Beauties, here: 


THE 80-20 RULE

What this module includes: 

  1. The 80-20 rule
  2.  Eat your way through weightloss 
  3. Build muscle and boost metabolism with a training programme

1. The 80-20 rule

The 80-20 rule can focus your efforts in the right proportions ot make 

- 80% of your weight loss efforts should be centered around nutrition

- 20% of your weight loss efforts should be centered around a training programme

While I'm sure you're glad you don't have to spend hours each day running or rowing those extra pounds away, understanding how to change the key components of your diet can help you get the best, long term results! Find out what changes you have to make below:

Eat your way through weightloss (80% of effort)

1. Remove heavily refined and processed foods

Remove heavily refined and processed foods like ready meals, white bread, rice and pasta and heavily processed ready to eat snacks like sausage rolls. Read on to module 3 where I go through the foods you want to avoid while losing weight.

2. Create a calorie deficit 

Women on average should have a intake of 2000 calories a day but to lose weight, temporarily reduce caloric intake to between 1200-1500 calories depending on your age and daily activities 

3. Increase the amount of fibre in your diet

Fibre essentially works by reducing your appetite in a healthy way. Fibre rich foods keep you fuller for longer and also keeps your bowel movements regular so you carry around less weight in your stomach, helping you feel lighter and more energetic. 

4. Don’t skip breakfast 

Skipping breakfast almost seems like a no-brainer when you’re trying to develop a calorie deficit and lose the pounds. You get an extra 30 minutes in bed in the morning and you’re eating less - double whammy right? Wrong! Having breakfast has been proven to actually help with weight loss for 2 possible reasons:

- Having breakfast helps control your appetite as it helps to keep your blood glucose levels balanced

- Breakfast can help you have more control in what you eat as it stops you getting so hungry that you’ll grab anything to satisfy your hunger

5. Eat your meals regularly 

Your metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories. Our bodies are programmed for survival and when you don’t eat for long periods of time, your metabolism slows down to save calories as your body thinks you’re starving. When you then eat after 6 hours because you aren’t out of food, the rate at which you burn through those new calories will be much slower, which will result in weight gain as you hold on to more calories. So try and split your meals into smaller portions spaced out every 2-3 hours during your day!

Build muscle and boost metabolism with a training programme (20% of effort)

1. Train with weights

Ensure your training programmes involve some sort of weight training; they don’t have to be heavy weights, but weight training helps build muscle which is the key to losing weight and more importantly, keeping it off! Muscle is much leaner than fat making you look toned and secondly, increasing your muscle mass increases your resting metabolic rate so you’ll burn through calories faster (even when you’re sitting at your desk - and who doesn’t want that?!)

2. Choose quality over quantity

It's easy to think that the longer the workout, the faster you will see results - and this may workout in the short tem. But in the long term, this equation will result in burining out and potential injury. You'll be glad to know that even just a 30 minute workout can be effective - you just need to make sure you keep your exercise routine dynamic. Most people fall into the trap of doing the same routine again and again because we stick to what is comfortable and the body acclimates, so after a couple of weeks, you don't notice any change. Exercise Scientist Paul Acrciero suggests changing your routine up every couple weeks or atleast every month to essntially 'shock' your body and stop it acclimating. This will help you continue to keep the weight off and see results. 

3. Don’t be afraid to consult with a personal trainer

Whether you’re training at home or the gym, don’t be afraid to invest in a personal trainer to help you tone up. They can help introduce you to the right exercises for your body, metabolism and goals and coach you through progressing through your fitness without injuring yourself, helping you achieve results much faster.


What this module includes:

  1. Understanding the power of protein
  2. 4 reasons you want more protein 
  3. How to incude more protein in your diet

If you want to lose weight and tone up, protein is now your new best friend! Several studies have confirmed the benefits of protein for weight loss. Read on to find out why you want more protein in your diet

1. Understanding the power of protein

Protein is an essential nutrient to include in your diet if you are trying to lose weight! If you've ever stared back at someone in disbelief when they've told you they eat more  while they're trying to lose weight, it's because they're including more protein and fibre rich foods in their diet. 

While carbohydrates and fats are important for maintaining a balanced diet, the science supporting their health benefits are laregly controversial. However, most studies are in favour of protein's contribution in aiding to drop the pounds and stay lean. Find out why you want more protein below.

2. 4 reasons you want more protein in your diet 

1.  Keeps your energy levels balanced 

We usually make a commitment to going on a diet after we’ve had a meal because this is when we can usually turn down sweet treats and food because we are full of energy.

Protein keeps your energy levels much more balanced through the day because your body takes longer to digest it. This means the energy packed into protein is released slowly after you eat, stopping your energy spiking after a meal and then crashing (which is when you're likely to grab something else, sugary to get another boost (and the cycle goes on...)

Additionally, having balanced energy levels can help you make the right choice when you're picking your next meal. If you’re ravenously hungry and lacking energy, you’ll be more inclined to pick something that can immediately satisfy you which may not be the healthiest option (e.g. a heavily processed ready meal or fast food). Whereas if you’re a little hungry but your energy levels are balanced you’re more likely to choose a healthier option, or even better, cook yourself a protein rich meal to help you stay on top of your fitness goals!

2. Reduces your appetite and keeps you fuller

Protein keeps you fuller for longer by manipulating the activity to 2 important appetite related hormones. 

1. Firstly it reduces the amount of ghrelin - a hunger hormone responsible for signalling you need food to your brain
2. It also increases the amount of peptide YY - a hormone that signals you’re full to your brain (yes appetite control is literally a mind game!)

So replacing carbohydrates with protein can reduce the volume of food you eat without you feeling hungry - win win!

3. Boosts metabolism and helps you burn fat

Your body needs energy to burn calories from food, so when you eat, you naturally increase your metabolism for a short while - this is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). However, different food groups have different TEFs. 

Protein, for example, has a high TEF which means a lot more energy (20-30%) is used to break is down compared to breaking down carbohydrates (5-10%). This means eating protein essentially helps to increase your metabolism and helps you burn up to 100 extra calories a day (equivalent to about 30 minutes on a treadmill) just from digesting protein

4. Prevents age related muscle deterioration

As you age, you naturally lose muscle volume causing them to weaken and making you more frail and prone to falls and fractures. Keeping your protein levels high stops your body (literally) eating away at your muscles keeps you looking lean and feeling stronger. 

3. How to get more protein in your diet

Hopefully the points above have helped indicate why you need this fitness friendly nutrient in your diet to help you get the lean, toned physique you always wanted! Working out how much protein you specifically need isn't very hard either as you usually need 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight. 

Daily protein volume = body weight (kg) x 0.8

If you're not into the math, it usually translates to an average of 45g of protein each day. If you're following a plant based diet, you may think it's hard to meet your daily protein volumes. Thankfully, there are lots of wholesome, veggie and vegan friendly ways to increase your protein without having to resort to meat! Check out the best plant based sources of protein in our downloadable checklist here


What this module includes:

  1.  Metabolism and weight loss
  2. 5 ways to increase your metabolism

Metabolism is big buzz word in the weight loss industry, but it’s important to understand what it is before you attempt to increase it.

1. Metabolism and weight loss 

Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns energy - it’s a measure of how quickly you ‘use up’ the calories you eat. Your body breaks down the food you eat into nutrients and energy and shuttles them off to different parts of your body.

A fast metabolism means you can burn through calories faster both at rest and during activity helping you stay lean and toned

A slow metabolism means you burns through calories slowly causing more of those calories to be stored at fat in your body until you’re ready to burn them off. Understanding if you have a fast or slow metabolic rate can help you plan your diet and exercise routine better to make sure are taking the right steps for YOUR body to help you tone up your physique

2. 5 ways to increase your metabolism

As I am sure you’ve guessed, for those of us looking to lose weight, the aim of the game is to increase your metabolism while reducing your calories so you can burn off the excess fat and replace it with metabolism boosting muscle!

The good news that there are many things you can do to increase your metabolism naturally such as:

1. Eat meals regularly 

I’ve touched on this before but eating regularly stops your body going into starvation mode and keeps your metabolism active and working throughout the day. Eat regularly by splitting your melas into smaller portions and eating every 2 to 3 hours.

2. Incorporate green tea into your diet

Green tea increases how much fat your burn by breaking down the fat in your body into smaller fatty acids that can be used by the body to release energy. Additionally, as they are herbal teas, they have very few calories making them the perfect addition for a weight loss diet.

3. Get a good night's sleep

A default for gym goers and regular trainers is to take the training time out of the time they sleep. This is a huge mistake because sleep deprivation leads to an increase in hunger hormone ghrelin causing you to eat more even if you don’t need to.

Additionally, a lack of sleep can increase the stress hormone cortisol in an attempt to keep you alert. However, cortisol also causes your body to hold on to extra fat by reducing your metabolic rate, causing weight gain.

4. Move around regularly 

A sedentary lifestyle can slow down your metabolism as you essentially are using less energy while sitting. Instead try and move around more during your day - especially if you have a desk job. For example, if you’re going to the bathroom, go to the bathroom on the floor above or below your own and take the stairs there or take a quick 5 minute stroll around your office every hour or two to get your muscles working and blood pumping - this can also help boost your energy!

5. Drink Cold Water

Increasing your water intake generally increases your metabolism as you’re essentially drinking less sugary drinks that are full of unnecessary calories. Drinking water before you eat also causes you to eat less food as it naturally fills you up. However, cold water can give your metabolism an added boost because your body uses extra energy to heat it up, helping you burn more calories


What this module includes:

Ensuring your success with your fitness goals requires making small changes in your diet and lifestyle that you can maintain over a long period of time. If you can ditch the bad foods and habits cold turkey, more power to you.

But usually, this won’t last and you’re more likely to fall into your bad habits again. Instead make small changes and work your way up to the big changes such as hitting the gym 5 times a week!

Here are a couple to get you started:

Lifestyle hacks to help you accelerate your weight loss goals

1.  Remove foods and nik naks from your kitchen that you know won’t be doing you any favours

If they aren’t there, there won’t be any temptation. Instead swap them for healthier snacks you know are good for you and will help you reach your goals faster! Check out our food swaps in module 4 for more ideas.

2. Drink more water 

Your body can commonly mistake thirst for hunger which might be making you unnecessarily eat more when you’re just thirsty.

So keep a water bottle nearby and if you feel hungry, take a couple of sips of water and wait about 20 minutes. If you’re still feeling hungry, then go and eat something.

3. Make a larger serving of every dish you make

You don’t need an elaborate meal prep session to plan your meals - if you can then that’s great. But if you’re strapped for time, check out this trick: make more of every dish when you cook. This way you’ll always have something healthy leftover in your fridge that you can grab the next day when you’re hungry! Bad diet choices are usually made on an empty stomach so preparing yourself for when you become “hangry” will make sure you eat the right food for your fitness goals 

4. Try and eat at the same time each day 

This may be easier said than done if you have a hectic schedule but humans are creatures of habit. So trying to eat at the same time each day will essentially get your body (and it’s hormones) on a clock. This will stop you eating at random times during the day and also help you stick to your meal plan and planned calorie intake for the day.



What this module includes: 

  1. Why is sugar so bad for you
  2. 4 ways sugar can harm your weightloss journey

Be it the health of your heart, your skin or your fitness, sugar is essentially considered the devil's food in the health industry because the problems it causes far outweigh the 7 seconds of heaven you experience when you bite into a Krispy Kreme doughnut! If you’re trying to lose weight, you might want to stay away from sugar, especially the refined, white kind you find generously added to everything from cereals and chocolate bars to ready made pasta and currys sauces.

1. Why is sugar so bad for you

We've heard it for years but why is sugar actually bad for you? The problem here isn't so much the suagr, as much as it is the quantity we are consuming. As the western world becomes more developed, sugar is becoming more and more prevelent in foods and is making a larger contribution to our daily caloric intake, without us even knowing it. It's not so much the sugar itself that is bad, its the sheer volume of sugar we are eating that is causing the issue. 

Sugar can be found added to peanut butters and cereals (the usual culprits) as well as savoury dishes such as marinara sauces and curries, and eating them can have detrimental long term effects on our body, causing a number of issues such as acne and collagen degradation to more serious issues such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Added sugars (the kind generously added to fizzy drinks, juices and doughnuts), werer actually proven to cause your cells to age and die faster and significantly reduce your lifespan, even if you didn't develop any other serious disease. 

Read on to find out how sugar can seriously affect your weightloss efforts which will hopefully give more all the motivation you need to bid refined added sugars adieu. 

2. 4 ways sugar can harm your weightloss journey

1. Sugar causes insulin resistance and increased fat storage 

Increased sugar intake can cause you to become resistant to insulin, a hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels by causing your cells to take in sugar from your blood. The high blood sugar levels from insulin resistance will prevent your cells from functioning normally and taking in sugar, but the lack of sugar uptake will cause them to increase fat uptake for storage as they would be low of sugar stores, increasing the amount of fat storage in the body, which will cause weight gain

2. Sugar increases your appetite and causes you to eat more

High blood sugar levels reduce the amount of leptin hormone produced by the body which is responsible for regulating your energy by controlling your appetite and your metabolism. Leptin usually decreases your appetite, reducing calorie intake and increases your metabolic rate so you burn through calories faster. However, a lack of leptin increases your appetite, slows down your metabolism causing a build up of excess calories and also increases fat storage, which causes weight gain.

3. Sugar and sugary foods tend to make you eat more

Sugary foods are usually rich in carbohydrates and empty calories but very low in macronutrients like protein and fibre which are great at keeping you feeling full for longer. Therefore, eating more sugary foods will not only make you eat larger portions of food, it will also make you eat more frequently as your energy levels will fluctuate, increasing calorie intake and causing weight gain.

4. Sugar makes you crave more sugar 

My point above mentioned eating more food generally when you eat more sugar. But eating sugar causes you to join a vicious cycle that makes you crave more sugar. This is because sugar activates the reward centres in the brain and causes release of reward hormones serotonin and endorphins - that make you feel happy and relaxed - and who doesn’t enjoy feeling great? 

These feelings cause you to ingest yet more sugar when the levels of these hormones fall causing you to develop a ‘sugar addiction’

A simple way to break free from the cycle is to go for a run (or do 50 star jumps) when a sugar craving hits. This is because exercise also causes a release of endorphins to make you feel good - and you’d rather be ‘addicted’ to an exercise routine than a snickers bar!


What this module includes:

  1. Understanding the Glycaemic Index
  2. Foods to avoid that will pack on the pounds

So you know sugar is bad for you, but what foods should you avoid to make sure you’re steering clear of it?

1. Understanding the Glycaemic Index

Refraining you from eating all sugar in an unrealistic expectation, and not all sugars are bad for you. But to understand what sugars you should and should not eat, you need to understand the glycaemic index. The glycaemic index is a measure of how quickly a particular food can increase your blood sugar levels. 

- Foods with a high glycaemic index spike your blood sugar levels very quickly and lead to the effects mentioned above

- Foods with a low glycaemic index are broken down slowly and help keep your blood sugar and your energy levels much more balanced.

To lose weight, you want to reduce the amount of food in your diet that sits higher on the glycaemic index. And while these foods may be some of your favourites, knowing the consequences of eating them may give you the motivation to cut out these sugar loaded foods that aren’t doing any favors for you or your waistline!

2. Foods to avoid that will pack on the pounds

1.  Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are another word for empty calories usually have little, if any, nutritional value and are just loaded with sugar and calories

Fizzy drinks are probably your first point of call, but be wary of fruit juices as although they are marketed as ‘one of your five a day’ they are packed with ridiculous amounts of sugar. 

Additionally, the sugar in drinks is known as liquid calories because your brain doesn’t acknowledge the sugar from drinks in the same way as it does from solid food - so you may be drinking a lot ,more than you would be eating!

2. Sweets, chocolates and ‘healthy snack bars’ 

Sweets and chocolates are outright guilty of packing in ridiculous amounts of sugar in a bar or pack smaller than your palm - and you know you should avoid these. However, be aware of ‘healthy’ snack bars like granola bars. They may be advertised as a healthier option, but they are packed full of fructose sugar to hold the bar together which can cause huge spikes in your blood sugar

In fact, in one test, the amount of carbohydrates and sugar found in a KIND surpassed the amount found in a snickers bar.

3. Cookies, cakes and doughnuts

Like sweets and chocolates, these foods are not only packed with sugars, but also with unhealthy trans fats that increase the amount of ‘bad cholesterol’ in your blood, increasing your risk of heart disease. They may be tempting to eat but they do little to satisfy your hunger and you’ll end up reaching for another treat very soon.

4. French Fries 

It might make a great side to your burger or pizza, but french fries are dangerously high in calories, especially because we have a tendency to eat them mindlessly (hence the danger as we are very often likely to overeat them). Fries and crisps are also high in a cancer causing substance called acrylamides - so it’s best to steer clear of them when you can. 

5. Pizza

This particular type of fast food deserves a special mention because not only are they extremely high in calories, they are packed full of highly refined foods like white flour and sugar as well as processed meats and canned veggies often soaked or fried before being added.

6. Frozen and ready cooked meals

Frozen ready meals are valued for their ease in preparation. However, the reason they require minimal cooking is because manufacturers load these foods with sugar and salt to act as a natural preservative. You already know the pitfalls of excess sugar intake, but the additional salt intake causes you to retain water and bloat. While bloating may not make you gain weight per se, you still won’t look lean, stopping you from looking and feeling your best. 

7. ‘Low fat’ foods

If you’re wondering why I added the quotation marks, it’s because these foods may have the fat removed from them, but this is usually replaced with more sugar to compensate for the poor flavour from the lack of fat. And we all know that increased sugar consumption will lead to insulin resistance which will cause (yup you guessed it) store fat.

8. Alcohol (you knew it was coming)

I’m not saying all alcohol is off limits, but most alcohol is packed full of sugar and empty calories that aren’t doing your weight loss goals any favours. Additionally, it lowers your inhibitions so you’re more likely to over indulge and also slows down your metabolism as breaking down the alcohol (considered a toxin by your body) becomes a top priority.

9. Refined grains

White bread, white rice, white pasta, all purpose flour, I’m looking at you. These foods lack very little nutritional value or fibre and are digested very quickly into sugars by your body. Not only will you eat more of these foods, but you’ll also spike your blood sugar very quickly.

10. Hot sugary beverages

Your daily starbucks might be the only thing to get you out of the bed in the morning, but the empty calories in these drinks will ruin any weight loss efforts you may have made.


Cutting ties with your favourite red velvet isn’t fun and while I’d say ditch the sugar entirely, the reality is we’re human and sugar cravings are a given (as someone with a serious sweet tooth this is the story of my life!). So to stop yourself strolling into a starbucks the next time a sugar pang strikes, prepare for a sugar craving by stocking up on our favourite sweet but healthy treats! 



What this module includes: 

In module 3, we’ve listed a pretty hefty list of foods you want to steer clear of on your weight loss journey, and you’re probably thinking so what can I eat? Well, we’re now operating on the other end of the glycaemic index scale so try and include more of these low GI foods into your diet:

Top 10 foods for weight loss

1. Quinoa

If you need a carb fix in your day but don’t want to forfeit your weight loss efforts, try adding quinoa into your meals.

Quinoa is a low carb, protein rich grain that can help you satiate your hunger and still make you feel like you ate a proper meal without the extra calories.

2. Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils made the list because they are great sources of protein. They cause your body to burn more calories to digest the protein but also as it takes longer to digest protein, you’ll feel fuller for longer, causing you to eat smaller, less frequent meals. 

3. Dark Chocolate 

Trust me I was elated to see dark chocolate made the list too! Unlike its milk and sugar loaded cousins, dark chocolate is actually great for weight loss because it reduces the production of hunger hormone ghrelin. Additionally, the high fat content (don’t worry it’s the good kind) will be digested slowly by your body, also making you feel fuller for longer!

4. Fresh vegetables 

Fresh vegetables have a low energy density making them perfect for weight loss because each gram of fruit or veg has less than 2 calories making them incredibly calories efficient. Additionally the high fibre content in vegetables and fruit will make you chew each mouthful much more before swallowing which functions as a signal to your brain that you’re eating a lot more than you really are. So vegetables (more so than fruits) can be eaten essentially limitlessly while you’re cutting calories as you physically won’t be able to eat them in excess

5. Nuts and seeds

Despite having a large number of calories per serving, nuts and seeds make a great snack if you’re trying to lose weight. They are a great source of healthy fats, protein and fibre while being packed full of nutrients to help you stay fuller for longer while keeping your body functioning as optimally as possible. Just be careful not to over eat - a small handful of nuts or seeds is a good rule of thumb

6. Home made soup

A lot of the foods mentioned on this list have a high water content making them ideal for weight loss. But you can also add water to your meals to make yourself feel fuller for longer and soups make an excellent candidate for this. Studies showed that when people were given the same ingredients as a soup and as a whole meal, those that had the soup ate significantly less and felt fuller much faster.

7. Avocados

Avocados have been revered by fitness and beauty experts because of how nutrient dense they are. Despite containing large volumes of oleic acid - a monounsaturated fat, they can help you on your weight loss journey because the fats in it keep you feeling fuller and it’s broken down slowly by your body, maintaining blood sugar control and stop you feeling hungry soon after you’ve eaten.

8. Grapefruit

Grapefruit deserves a special mention because it’s been directly studied for its effect on calorie restriction and weight loss. Several studies showed that eating grapefruit about 30 minutes before eating helped reduce the volume of food eaten per meal as it helped women feel more satiated. 

9. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can carry up to 10 to 12 times their weight in water and they’re a great source of fibre. Both these elements make chia seeds a great ingredient to start your day with as they activate your metabolism first thing, help clear out your gut and keep you feeling fuller for longer in your day. An added bonus is that they are a great source of skin loving nutrients to help boost your skin’s glow in the morning too.

10. White and sweet potatoes

Despite being a pretty carb heavy ingredient, potatoes are actually great because they can make you feel full faster, reducing your appetite, and keep you feeling fuller longer - so you’re eating fewer calories in total. If you’re seriously cutting the calories, try and only eat boiled potatoes - and wait for them to cool before eating them. This is because the cooled potatoes will produce a fibre like component called resistant starch that has been shown to help reduce weight loss. 


What this module includes: 

I’d love to tell you that there’s a list of miracle foods that can naturally increase your metabolism, but if it was that easy, we’d all be slim and toned all the time. The foods listed below can increase your metabolism slightly and make it easier to lose excess fat, however, they are only effective for weight loss when combined with a balanced (possibly calorie restricted) diet. Eat these foods to help increase your metabolism. 

Top 10 foods to accelerate your metabolism

1. Protein rich foods

Increasing the proportion of protein in your diet can help increase your metabolism in 2 ways:

- Firstly, it has a high thermic effect of food (TEF), so your body uses more energy to break protein down, which will temporarily speed up your metabolism.

- Secondly, protein helps to build muscle in your body which can help to increasing your resting metabolic rate. 

Tofu, tempeh and peanuts are some of the richest, plant based sources of protein

2. Brazil nuts 

Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium which is essential to regulate thyroid function, which in turn controls your metabolism. Introducing a handful of brazil nuts into your diet to help speed up your metabolism.

3. Leafy green vegetables 

Are a great source of iron which is required to help your body release energy from foods and essentially keep your metabolism chugging.  Combining these veggies with foods rich in vitamin C (like red bell pepper, dragon fruit or a scoop of our Vegan Collagen Powder) can help further increase iron absorption as well.

4. Chilli Pepper

Chili peppers are a great source of capsaicin, the component in the pepper that makes your mouth feel hot as if you’re eating spicy food.

Studies have found that capsaicin can help you burn up to 50 extra calories a day. Capsaicin was also found to have curb the appetite of people when taken just before a meal. Try and have a salad mixed with chilli peppers before you main meals to help reduce your appetite.

5. Nuts and seeds

Despite having a large number of calories per serving, nuts and seeds make a great snack if you’re trying to lose weight. They are a great source of healthy fats, protein and fibre while being packed full of nutrients to help you stay fuller for longer while keeping your body functioning as optimally as possible. Just be careful not to over eat - a small handful of nuts or seeds is a good rule of thumb.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli contain Glucoraphanin, a substance that can help increase your metabolism by essentially shuttling fat from your blood into your cells where it can be broken down for energy. Beneforte broccoli contains higher columns of Glucoraphanin and its ability to boost your metabolism may be much greater!

7. Apple cider vinegar 

You may have heard about this one, and although many have claimed it works, it hasn’t been extensively researched. However, it may make you feel fuller and reduce the amount of calories you consume by reducing the rate at which your stomach empties, which may help you lose weight.

8. Coffee

Technically not a food, but the caffeine found in coffee can help increase your metabolic rate temporarily as it stimulates your body for activity.

Secondly, it helps increase the amount of fat your body burns for energy, especially during and after a workout, making your body much leaner.

9. Kelp

Kelp is a type of seaweed that is rich in iodine, another mineral required for the proper function of your thyroid gland which controls your metabolism. Try and incorporate a helping of kelp in your meals to ensure you’re getting an adequate volume of iodine in your diet to keep your metabolism from slowing down.

10. Flaxseeds 

Flaxseeds are a great source of fibre, which ferments in the gut and helps support your gut flora. Having a healthy gut microbe profile can speed up your metabolism after you eat a meal as the microbes help to digest food faster. 


While incorporating the foods we mentioned above can be great for your weight loss efforts, they might not be things you usually eat.

So, I’ve listed some common foods you’d want to stay away form and simple swaps you can make that will make you and your waistline smile.

I should mention here that it’s easy to ruin your relationship with food when you embark on a fitness journey, so be sure to make sure you stop and evaluate that it’s okay for you to indulge once in a while and eat your favourite foods. 


In an ideal world, we'd be advising you to rely on your diet because at Raw Beauty Lab, we are big believers in the power of food to help you nourish your body. The problem is, unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with the time (and energy) to cook fresh foods, into several varied, balanced meals each day.
To continue working towards your lean, toned body (and making sure it lasts), supplementing your diet with specific nutrients can help your body respond to the changes in your diet and training programme much better, stopping you getting exhausted and allowing you to continue with your daily activities!

While protein powder alone can’t magically help you increase muscle mass (wouldn’t that be great!), when combined with a balanced diet and strength training, it can help you control your appetite and build muscle efficiently to develop a toned, more defined physique!

Why take a protein powder

1. Manages your weight 

If you’ve taken a peek at modules 3 and 4, you’ll know the importance of protein rich foods for weight loss. But you can gain similar benefits by incorporating a protein powder into your routine. Your body will still take longer and use more calories to break down the protein, that will help boost your metabolism and keep you feeling fuller much longer.

2. Increases muscle mass

Protein is essential to support new muscle growth. If you are training to become leaner and increase muscle mass, it’s important to support new muscle growth with a protein supplement to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to build muscle. 

3. Helps you recover faster after training 

If you’re weight training, you’re essentially breaking your muscles so they can grow. However, if you want to skip limping around after leg day, then consider using a protein supplement. Several studies have shown that taking protein powder after muscle training can help your muscles recover faster as they aid protein synthesis.

4. Prevents age related muscle wasting

Our bodies don’t store protein like we store carbohydrates. We naturally lose between 3-5% of our muscle mass each decade after we hit the age of 30. So as we age, increasing the amount of protein can help prevent your muscles from getting weaker and can help maintain your posture, strength and health to a higher level as you age.

5. Tops up the protein in your diet   

If you follow a plant based diet and you’re allergic you’re allergic to soy products for example, you might find it difficult to meet your daily protein requirements. Having a protein supplement can make sure you’re getting an adequate amount of protein to help keep your body healthy


What this module includes:

  1. Why choosing the right protein powder is important
  2. The key components of a protein powder

So you've decided to try out a protein powder, but have no idea where to start (don't worry, we've been there!). Read on to find out more about how to navigate through choosing the right protein powder

1. Why choosing the right protein powder is important

Protein powders can be a great way to supplement your fitness journey, but the number of protein powders available on the market are endless, making it difficult to decide which one will be the best for you. There are several key components of a protein powder which I talk through below. But 2 key components I want to point out are the ingredients used in the powder and how you intend to use it.

1. Ingredients

If you take a quick peek at the back of the most popular protein powders, there seems to be an awful lot of unknown ingredients added to it that aren’t exactly contributing to its protein content! Be weary of protein powder suppliers that choose to add all sorts of nasty ingredients like fillers, artificial sweeteners and additives. Yes, it’s important to have a great tasting protein powder, but this is attainable using clean, high-quality ingredients that taste great and are good for your gut, muscle health and your skin (trust us, we’ve tried and you can check out our brand-new protein powder here). So, before you even beginning deciphering if this protein powder is the one for you, check the ingredients and ditch those filled with unfamiliar ingredients (you know the 17 syllable words we left behind in chemistry class).

2.  Lifestyle

Secondly, have a brief look ay your lifestyle and try to determine when you are most likely to take the powder. The reason I say this is that a lot of protein powders, especially dairy based protein powders, have a tendency to sit in your stomach as they are quite difficult for the body to digest. If you’re planning to have the protein powder towards the end of the day, consider going for a plant-based protein powder instead. They usually are filled with more fibre and the lack of dairy makes them much easier for your body to break down. This can help reduce bloating and maintain the health of your gut as you train!

2. The key components of a protein powder

1.  Amino acid profile 

Different protein powders have different amino acid profiles based on the source the protein in it is derived from. Humans are unable to produce all amino acids ourselves, and there are 9 amino acids known as ‘essential’ amino acids that we need to obtain from food or supplements to keep us healthy. When trying to choose a protein powder, be sure to choose a source that has the entire amino acid profile or at least has the 9 essential amino that humans can’t produce.

2. Source of protein  

Whey: Whey is the most popular source of protein in protein powders. Whey is a protein derived from milk and has a complete amino acid profile - in that they contain all essential amino acids that humans can’t produce themselves.

Casein: Casein is another protein derived from milk and also other dairy products. Casein is great for those that want to recover faster from their workouts as it is rich in glutamine - an amino acid that increases the rate of muscle recovery.

Soy: Soy protein is a vegan-friendly option that also contains all the essential amino acids needed by humans from food sources.

Pea: Pea protein is entirely plant based protein source that is also a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids. The added benefits of pea protein is that it’s rich in iron and in fibre, making it especially great for women who experience bloating from other sources of protein.

Hemp: Hemp protein is derived from hemp seeds and is also another plant based option that has a complete amino acid profile. It’s also a great source of essential fatty acids.

3. Amount of protein per serving 

The amount of protein per serving you choose depends entirely on how often you intend to take your protein powder. Most protein powder servings contain between 20-25g of protein per serving making them ideal for using once a day. However, if you want to take a protein shake twice a day, choosing a protein powder with a smaller volume of protein per serving might be more adequate to ensure you don’t go over the recommended 30g of protein each day.

4. Flavourings, additives and heavy metals  

When you’re not eating any sweet treats, a chocolate brownie flavoured protein powder might sound like a God send. However, before you dive in to satiate your sweet tooth, take a quick peek at the ingredients list to make sure you’re not consuming any harmful ingredients. Like your weight loss diet, a lot of protein powders claim to have no sugars or fats but unfortunately, that chocolate brownie flavour has to come from somewhere - and it results in several powders using artificial sweeteners, colours, flavourings and additives in place of sugar to make up for the taste.

A study among American protein powders found that the most popular powders have heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and arsenic that can be extremely toxic to the body! Making sure you choose the right powder can ensure you get the best results without harming your body.


When you embark on a mission to get fitter and healthier, our first point of call is usually auditing what we’re eating, but very little thought goes into the nutrients in those foods, but it’s these nutrients that determine which foods we’re likely to keep.

For example, carbohydrates can be found in sweet potatoes and in French fries, but we’d choose the sweet potatoes because they have more fibre, vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, iron, magnesium and potassium that can better support our body’s health and improve weight loss. 

Certain nutrients also directly affect our metabolism, a key component of our weight loss efforts. We’ve listed the most important nutrients below, what they do and where you can get them from!

Micronutrients to help support weight loss

1. Iron

Iron is essential for supporting your red blood cell function to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen is being provided for the production of new muscle cells. Iron is also involved in regulating your metabolism through its involvement in helping cells metabolise nutrients like protein and carbohydrates into energy.

Sources: dark leafy greens.

2. Magnesium   

Magnesium is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates into energy. Ensuring you have enough magnesium can keep your metabolism functioning optimally and help you lose stubborn belly fat. Magnesium is also particularly great for women as it reduces bloating and water retention.

Sources: dark chocolate, brazil nuts, tofu

3. Calcium

Calcium is involved in muscle cell production making it essential for those who are working out to gain muscle and trying to increasing the resting metabolic rate. However, calcium is also involved in thermogenesis - increasing the core body temperature which requires an increase in your your metabolism that can help burn excess fat.

Sources: chia and flax seeds, seaweed, spinach and bok choy

4. Zinc

Zinc can help weight management by reducing your appetite, so you take in fewer calories. 

Zinc also helps reduce insulin resistance, that improves blood sugar control and stops the build up of fat within cells.

Sources: Tofu, hemp seeds, lentils

5. Copper

Copper helps you burn excess fat in the body by moving fat from storage cells into the blood to be broken down. It also helps maintain the breakdown of fat for use as energy helping you break it down.

Sources: quinoa, peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds

6. Manganese

Manganese helps with weight loss by activating the enzymes required for your metabolism. Manganese also speed up the rate at which food, specifically protein is digested, making it even more important if you’ve got a high protein diet .

Sources: hazelnuts, soybeans, chickpeas

7. Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps protein synthesis in the body to build new muscle cells which can improve rest heart rate.It also strengthens the heart tissue, increasing cardiac output and consequently your ability to exercise much more efficiently.

Sources: brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, spring onions

8. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help you burn up to 30% more fat during exercise and essentially makes it easier for you to lose fat by increasing the rate of fat mass loss in the body (especially around the abdominal region).

Sources: red peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi

9. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is involved in the production of L-carnitine which is required by the body to burn fat. Vitamin B6 also reduces the amount of digested carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are stored, and prompts the body to use them to release energy.

Sources: nutritional yeast, pistachio nuts, sesame seeds



  What this module includes: 

Whether you prefer training in the gym or at home, one of the best ways to accelerate your weight loss and reach your goals faster is to incorporate exercise into your routine. 

8 easy exercise to help you lose weight

1. Cardio

Whether it’s running, walking, jogging or star jumps, getting your heart rate up and blood pumping is essential to help you lose weight. When you do high intensity bursts of exercise, your body needs to dip into its fat stores and burn it to release energy to sustain your activity.

2. Swimming 

Although most people’s first point of call is the gym, simply swimming laps in a pool can burn more calories than working on a moderate speed elliptical trainer. The resistance of the water against your body causes you to work harder while you try to keep yourself afloat, helping you burn calories, lose weight and build up your cardiovascular system.

3. Stairs/stairmaster 

Whether it's at home, in your office or in the gym, you can fit in a quick workout anywhere if you have access to a flight of stairs.

Stairs make a great lower body workout because the short steps force you to engage your glutes, thighs and calves to make sure you can lift your body to the next step while you are essentially doing cardio. And you can easily build up your strength and stamina by starting off walking up the stairs and increasing your speed as you become fitter!

4. Kettlebell exercises 

Kettlebells became all the rave because they have some serious fat burning potential.A study by ACE fitness showed that you can burn upto 20 calories per minute when training with a dumbbell (that’s 400 calories in 20 minutes). This is because while combining strength training and cardio, kettlebell exercises require coordination that help condition your muscles and burn fat even further.

5. Jumping rope  

If you have limited space (and time) getting yourself a skipping rope can workout your entire body (and help you reminisce about your childhood).

If you want to focus more on cardio and burning calories, keep to a standard skipping rope. As you begin to progress, use a weighted skipping rope to strength train the muscles in your back as you pull the rope under your legs.

5. Jumping rope  

If you have limited space (and time) getting yourself a skipping rope can workout your entire body (and help you reminisce about your childhood).

If you want to focus more on cardio and burning calories, keep to a standard skipping rope. As you begin to progress, use a weighted skipping rope to strength train the muscles in your back as you pull the rope under your legs.

5. Jumping rope  

If you have limited space (and time) getting yourself a skipping rope can workout your entire body (and help you reminisce about your childhood).

If you want to focus more on cardio and burning calories, keep to a standard skipping rope. As you begin to progress, use a weighted skipping rope to strength train the muscles in your back as you pull the rope under your legs.

5. Jumping rope  

If you have limited space (and time) getting yourself a skipping rope can workout your entire body (and help you reminisce about your childhood).

If you want to focus more on cardio and burning calories, keep to a standard skipping rope. As you begin to progress, use a weighted skipping rope to strength train the muscles in your back as you pull the rope under your legs.

Once you’ve noticed a shift in weight (and I promise you it will), start to incorporate exercises that will tone your muscles. While there's no hard and fast rule that you can’t start off with toning exercises, they are much easier to injure yourself if you’re not familiar with training. So start by going with a friend or using a mirror to make sure you’re doing them correctly.

7 easy exercises to help you tone up

1. Planks and mountain climbers

If you want to target the muscles in your abs, add in a couple of sets of planks and mountain climbers into your routine. They are great whether you’re brand new to the world of training or if you’re familiar with the turf. 

For a plank: start on all fours with your palms face down directly below your shoulders and push your knees up so you’re propped on your toes. Hold this pose for as long as possible. 

For mountain climbers: start in a plank pose and then move one knee in towards your shoulders and then back and repeat with the other knee. Continue pulling each knee in and out for 30 seconds, alternating between knees.

2. Weight training

Whether it’s a dumbbell, your toddler or a 5L water bottle. Find some weight and use it during your training to increase resistance and help build muscle. Pick up one dumbbell and complete 10 squats, 10 bicep curls, 10 lunges and 10 dumbbell rows and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the entire circuit 3 more times.

3. Push ups 

Usually women focus on the lower body when training, but it’s so important to build muscle and train your entire body - including your arms (don’t worry you won’t look like the michelin man at the end I promise). While individually targeting different body parts with isolated exercises is great, I am a huge fan of training multiple muscle groups together - not only does this make a more efficient workout, but it also helps you remain lean and toned while building muscle.

To do a push up: start on all fours and push up onto your toes. Then slowly lower down until your nose is about an inch from the floor and then use the muscles in your arms and back to push yourself back up. If traditional push ups are hard for you, start with knee push ups and work your way up.

4. Squats

Like push ups, squats work some of the biggest and strongest muscles in your body together just by using your own body weight.

For a squat: start with your feet shoulder width apart and lower down as if you’re going to sit on an imaginary chair. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push back up. Repeat this movement 10 times for 3 sets.

5. Use resistance bands 

If the gym is not your scene, you can still get in a great workout by using resistance bands to make your muscles work harder. All the exercises I have mentioned above can be made harder by adding a resistance band around the body parts you're moving, or isolate a body part and condition your muscles in your arms or legs by using a resistance band. 

6. Pilates  

Pilates are a great way to condition your muscles and isolate your muscles to really tighten and tone up your body while building your resting muscle strength (which in turn will increase your resting metabolic rate). The best part is you don’t need anything more than a mat to get started as it primarily consists of working with your body weight.

7. Yoga 

Don’t be fooled into thinking yoga won’t help you build muscle (trust me). It may give off super zen vibes, but yoga helps you build core strength to help support your body. Check out the following poses that have been deemed the most effective for toning up: downward dog, plank, upward facing dog, boat pose, warrior I, II, III, bridge and wheel pose and tree pose.